On May 15 2018, Breda railway station was closed due to a bomb threat. Not only was the station itself out of order, but also transport around the location was shut down following the instructions by the police. A detection dog examined the area around the station, but no explosive was found. The police started a criminal investigation into the reporter.
Such an incident triggers the need for immediate communication towards citizens nearby. However it is also understandable that residents of other cities may not necessarily be interested in receiving such news. Luckily, SPNS enables location-based notifications for its users: it is possible to address the relevant target audience via selecting the name of their location (city, region, country, etc.) or by simply marking the desired target location on a map.
By sending the message about the station closure, SPNS immediately notified approximately 4000 users. The high opening rate (64%) of the sent notifications indicates that the recipients considered the message extremely relevant, therefore collecting valuable experience within the application.
Your mobile application could also utilize SPNS location-based push notifications in several cases. The feature helps in keeping your content relevant, no matter if it is about local news, ongoing events or peaking promotions nearby.
Source: https://www.nu.nl/breda/5267408/station-breda-tijd-ontruimd-wegens-bommelding.html